Clear Aligner


Clear Aligner

Straight Teeth, Clear Choice!

“Clear aligners, represent a form of orthodontic treatment consisting of a set of custom-made, transparent aligners tailored to fit your teeth perfectly. In addition to their bracket- and wire-free design, these clear orthodontic aligners are exceptionally discreet, minimally invasive, and resistant to discoloration due to wear. They can be effortlessly taken out for eating, drinking, and special events, simplifying oral hygiene routines.”

Nevertheless, the removable feature of these teeth aligners may pose challenges for certain individuals when it comes to maintaining consistent wear. Misplacing your aligners could potentially lead to treatment delays and a higher overall cost. It’s important to note that clear aligner therapy may also cause mild discomfort or soreness.

Furthermore, in specific regions, these aligners may only be acquired through certified dentists or orthodontists who have received manufacturer training and authorization to provide them.

How are clear aligners made?

Your dentist or orthodontist begins by examining your teeth and planning the adjustments needed for your bite. Using state-of-the-art 3-D imaging technology, a dental professional captures a comprehensive scan of your mouth. This scan is then uploaded to a computer, where it visualizes your smile. Employing advanced computer software, the orthodontist or dentist maps out the critical steps required to achieve your ideal teeth alignment. With this detailed plan, the dentist can create individualized aligners for each stage in the series.

This 3D model provides precise information on the anticipated tooth movements. Your dentist will present and discuss this plan with you to ensure it aligns with your expectations. Upon receiving your approval, the dentist sends the digital scan and treatment plan to a specialized laboratory associated with the manufacturer. Here, advanced computer technology is employed to fabricate your custom-fit clear aligners.

Once the aligners are ready, your dentist or orthodontist evaluates them for suitability. The number of aligners you require depends on the specifics of your orthodontic condition.

Your dentist will instruct you to wear each new set of aligners for a specified duration, removing them only for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. As you progress through each pair of aligners, your teeth gradually shift to attain your desired smile. Your dentist or orthodontist will provide you with the next set of aligners and monitor your treatment progress during regular check-up appointments.

Clear aligners treatment procedure

Step 1: Determining If It Suits You
Clear aligner braces become a viable option when a patient presents orthodontic issues. These transparent teeth aligners are designed to address a range of concerns, including open bites, underbites, overbites, crossbites, gapped teeth, and overcrowding.

During the initial consultation, your dentist will assess your suitability for clear aligners. This is also an opportunity to discuss potential financing options, insurance coverage, and treatment costs.

If you qualify, your dentist will proceed with the process, including taking x-rays, photographic records, and a digital 3D scan of your teeth.

Step 2: Creating a Customized Treatment Plan
The next phase involves crafting a personalized treatment plan. Once completed, your dentist will provide you with an estimated total treatment duration and showcase a 3D animation illustrating the anticipated movement of your teeth.

If you agree to proceed with the treatment plan, your dentist will initiate the production of your customized clear invisible aligners.

Step 3: Fitting the Initial Set of Trays
Within a few days, the dental clinic receives your tailor-made aligners. Your dentist will schedule an appointment for the installation of the trays and any necessary attachments. These trays are specifically designed to fit comfortably on your teeth.

During this visit, your dentist may also affix attachments to your teeth and provide you with several trays, along with instructions on how to remove and reapply them.

Step 4: Attending Routine Adjustments
It’s essential to note that dental check-up appointments are simpler than the adjustments required for tightening wires and brackets with traditional metal braces. Your dentist will continue to provide you with new sets of trays as your treatment progresses.

Step 5: Transitioning from Clear Aligners to Retainers
Once your teeth have achieved the desired alignment, your dentist will instruct you to discontinue wearing the aligners and remove any attachments affixed to your teeth. At this stage, you may receive retainers to help maintain your teeth’s new position.

What should I expect from the clear aligners treatment?

During the initial days of your treatment, it’s quite common to experience discomfort and heightened sensitivity. It might take a few weeks for you to fully acclimate to wearing the aligners. Furthermore, wearing aligners while sleeping may lead to minor challenges such as speech impediments, a slight lisp, or occasional drooling. However, you’ll likely notice these issues gradually improving on their own within a few weeks.

Clear aligners treatment duration

Individuals experience varying treatment durations. For example, the typical treatment spans from nine to fifteen months and involves the use of 20 to 30 aligners for both upper and lower teeth. In moderate cases, treatment comprises 32 steps distributed over eight phases, while minor cases involve 12 treatment steps divided into three stages, on average.

How do clear aligners work?

Once your dentist or orthodontist has determined the necessary adjustments to correct your bite, they will create a customized plan for tooth movement. These transparent aligners are crafted from clear plastic or acrylic material, designed to fit your teeth precisely.

Throughout the treatment process, your dentist will utilize these aligners to gradually reposition your teeth. You have the flexibility to remove them for eating, cleaning, and flossing. Periodically, typically every few weeks, you will receive a fresh set of aligners to continue guiding your teeth in the desired direction.

What is the expected duration of the teeth straightening procedure?

The duration of the teeth straightening process varies depending on the extent of tooth movement or rotation needed. If your bite is more complex or your teeth are significantly misaligned, the process may take longer. On average, a treatment course spans from 12 to 18 months.

However, in cases where individuals had braces during their youth and are now adults with minor tooth shifts over time, the aligner treatment duration could be as short as ten weeks. It’s important to note that the timeline can differ for each person, as treatment plans are tailored to individual orthodontic needs.

Pros & Cons

Using clear aligner

Clear aligners pros

It’s important to consult with an orthodontist or dentist to determine if clear aligners are the right choice for your specific orthodontic needs and lifestyle.

  1. Aesthetically Appealing: Clear aligners are nearly invisible, making them an excellent choice for individuals who want a discreet orthodontic treatment.
  2. Removability: You can easily remove clear aligners for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing, which means no dietary restrictions and better oral hygiene during treatment.
  3. Comfort: Clear aligners are made of smooth plastic, reducing the risk of irritation and discomfort associated with traditional braces.
  4. Predictable Results: Advanced computer technology allows for precise treatment planning, offering predictable and efficient results.
  5. Fewer Office Visits: Clear aligners typically require fewer in-person appointments compared to traditional braces.
  6. Speech Improvement: Speech impediments are generally minimal and tend to improve quickly as you adjust to wearing the aligners.

Cons of clear aligner

It’s important to consult with an orthodontist or dentist to determine if clear aligners are the right choice for your specific orthodontic needs and lifestyle.

  1. Compliance: Success with clear aligners depends on consistent wear. Some patients may struggle with keeping the aligners in for the recommended 22 hours a day.
  2. Discomfort: Like traditional braces, clear aligners can cause some discomfort and pressure, particularly when you switch to a new set.
  3. Not Suitable for All Cases: Clear aligners may not be the best option for severe orthodontic issues or complex cases.
  4. Cost: The cost of clear aligner treatment can be comparable to traditional braces and may not always be covered by insurance.
  5. Maintenance: Aligners require regular cleaning, and if not properly maintained, they can become discolored or develop an odor.
  6. Attachments: In some cases, attachments (small tooth-colored buttons) may be necessary, making the aligners more visible.
  7. Treatment Duration: While treatment times are typically shorter than traditional braces, they may still extend for several months to over a year.
It's important to note that while aesthetic dentistry primarily focuses on improving the appearance of teeth and smile, many of these procedures can also contribute to improved oral health and function. Before undergoing any aesthetic dentistry procedure, it's recommended to consult with a qualified dentist or dental specialist to determine the most appropriate treatment plan based on individual needs and goals.
Dr. GK Ananda
Maxillofacial Surgeon
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